
Looking for support for your ETAPpro?
Have a look at our FAQ, manuals and installation videos.
If you’re unable to resolve the issue, then please submit a support ticket.

You can find the manuals here, Technical specifications here, videos are coming soon.

The ETAPpro is the only smart charging solution on the European market you can use both as a fixed charging station and as a mobile charger. It is extremely easy to mount and commission. Using the mobile character of the charger, new revolutionary possibilities for service are created and while any  smart charging solution will easily set you back 1500€, EVChargeking provides their charger on the market for a lot less.


The core module is the ETAPpro charger. You can fit several adaptercables in the ETAPpro in order to plug the charger into 230V or 400V outlets. The wall bracket can hold the charger if you like it fixed to a wall or a pole. It gives an aestithical look and you can charge at a rate up to 11 kW.

The ETAPpro can communicate with your electrical meter via an MTAP or a CTAP. The MTap is a small metering device which fits in the P1 port of a digital meter. It enables all the smart functions in the charger. The CTAP is for classic (analog) electric meters. It is a device which needs to be plugged into a 230V socket. It has a connection for CT clamp cables which need to be put over the main phases of your electrical input. in this way the CTAP can sense the currents used in the house and communicate over WiFi or powerline to support the charger in load balancing. The charger can communicate over the powerlines in case you have no or bad WiFi reception at the charger location.

The ETAPpro 11 is a 3-phase charger, allowing 3 x 16A or 11kW in charging power, but it can of course also be used in a single phase scenario in which case it will deliver 1 x 16A = 3,7kW

Some cars also use 2 phases to charge up to 2 x 16A = 7,4kW, which is also perfectly possible with the ETAPpro.

When connected to a 230 V socket and put to the lowest chargingsspeed the ETAPpro will charge at 1,4 kW. When connected to a 400V supply and 3 phases the charging power can go up to 11kW

The ETAPpro can communicate with your electric meter via an MTAP or a CTAP.

  • The MTap is a small metering device which fits in the P1 port of a digital meter. It enables all the smart functions in the charger.
  • The CTAP is for classic (analog) electric meters. It is a device which needs to be plugged into a 230V socket. It has a connection for CT clamps which need to be put around the main phases of your electrical input. This way the CTAP can sense the currents used in the house and communicate those over WiFi or powerline to guide the charger in load balancing


The ETAPpro comes with a variety of safety functions:

  1. Integrated Earth Leakage Protection AC 30mA & DC 6mA
  2. Charging current limitation by automatic sensing of adapter cable used. For a domestic household plug adapter for example, the current is automatically limited to 10A.
  3. Temperature monitoring of adapter cable connector, charger internals and also the type 2 vehicle connector. We are unique in detecting the temperature in the car connector, and we can do this because we produce our own cables.
    These measured temperatures can reduce charging current or even stop the charger if they get too high.
  4. Current monitoring: if currents measured are exceeding the allowed maximum (indicating an issue in the car) the charger will immediately interrupt the charging process

Just mount the bracket to the wall using 6 screws, connect the electric power lines, slide in the ETAPpro charger and you’re done!

Next is a 5 minute setup of the app. No extra load balancer, no Ethernet cable…Automatic updates over the air.

You can find the manuals (link) technical specifications (link) videos (link) by clicking the links.

You can find the manuals (link) technical specifications (link) videos (link) by clicking the links.

Plug in your charger, connect it to your car and it will automatically start charging. In the charger detail section of your app, you can choose to start/stop your charger with a badge instead of plug and charge.

The RFID reader of the charger is situated in the lower left corner of the charger just above the handle. Whenever a badge is detected by the charger the LED’s of the charger will blink shortly.
In the charger detail section you can choose to start/stop your charger with your badge. This will not work if your charger is managed by a third party (CPO-platform). Please note that the app will still be able to start/stop the charging sessions.

Please be aware that a badge is allways coupled to a user (creator of the badge in the app) AND to a charger.

In order not to trip your main fuse while charging your car we have introduced load balancing. Via the MTAP or CTAP connected to your electric meter we will will adjust how much power the ETAPpro draws so that it always operates at a happy optimum without tripping your fuses.

Grid providers do not want high power peaks on their electric grid. This is why most of them introduced a capacity tariff. This is a tariff to stimulate consumers to cause as little peaks as possible. An electricity contract typically states a minimum peak. Going over this peak will lead to extra costs.

Via the MTAP-dongle in your digital meter we offer the function Peak Shaving which will allow you to avoid the peaks and the extra costs. In order to set this up in your app go to β€œLocations > (select location) > Default charger profile”

Entering the minimum peak in the setting β€œPeak shaving” will lead your charger to respect this minimum peak and reduce charging power in order not to exceed it.

If you exceeded the minimum peak then you are automaticaly setting a new minimum peak for that month. The charger will then respect this new peak till the beginning of the next month. Each new month your minimum peak is automatically set to the original capacity tariff in your digital meter.

Example: your capacity tariff is 2500 W. Set this value in the ETAPpro app. The charger will adapt the charging speed in order not to exceed 2500W.
This limit of 2500W however can still be exceeded. For example because you swithched on your washing machine & your electric cooker at the same time. Let’s say they create a peak of 4000 W together. Even though your ETAPpro will try to keep power below 2500W, it has no control over the household consumption…
Your digital meter is now setting the capacity limit for that month to 4000 W. The ETAPpro will then take this new limit into account till the beginning of the new month.
Each new month your digital meter is setting the capacity limit to the original value of 2500W. This is then also the limit for the ETAPpro

Via the MTAP-dongle in your digital meter we offer the function Solar Charging which will allow the power generated by your solar panels to be used to charge your car. In order to set this up in your app go to β€œLocations > (select location) > Default charger profile”

However! Any Electric Vehicle will only charge when there is a minimum of 6 amps available. Suppose that your solar installation is only delivering 5 amps, then the car will still charge as it will take 1 amp from the grid. If you don’t want this then you can activate β€œSolar energy only” in the settings-section. This makes sure that the car will only charge on pure solar power. This happens when your solar installation is supplying a minimum of 6 amps. Off course all the solar generated power is injected into the grid until the 6 amps are reached.

In the app there is a section with the History. This is where alle the charging sessions can be found. Another possibility is the webportal where you can find monthly overviews and where you can download the required data.


Charging state

Network state





Not charging


Charger available, all systems nominal :thumbsup:

:green_circle: :green_circle: :green_circle:


Available – no network

Not charging

No network

Charger available, no network (booting maybe, no wifi)

:green_circle: :green_circle: :orange_circle:


Available – provisioning

Not charging


Charger available, Bluetooth on, waiting for wifi network provisioning

:white_circle: :white_circle: :white_circle:



Not charging


:cyan_circle: :cyan_circle: :cyan_circle: (cyan)


Plugged-in no network

Not charging

No network

:cyan_circle: :cyan_circle: :orange_circle: (cyan)


Plugged-in – provisioning

Not charging


:cyan_circle: :cyan_circle: :cyan_circle: (cyan)





:blue_circle: :blue_circle: :blue_circle: (blue)


Charging no network


No network

:blue_circle: :blue_circle: :orange_circle: (blue)


Charging provisioning



Ignore for now, might not be allowed state

:blue_circle: :blue_circle: :blue_circle: (blue)


Charging paused



Manual paused or by the load balancing (I<6A)

:blue_circle: :blue_circle: :blue_circle: (blue)


NFC whitelisted card



NFC card scanned && start-mode == whitelist && found in the whitelist

:white_circle: :white_circle: :white_circle:

2 x short flash

NFC whitelisted card denied



NFC card scanned && start-mode == whitelist && NOT found in the whitelist

:red_circle: :red_circle: :red_circle:

5 x short flash

NFC card

Not charging


NFC card scanned && start-mode == wait_for_start

:yellow_circle: :yellow_circle: :yellow_circle:


NFC card cloud denied

Not charging


NFC card scanned && start-mode == wait_for_start && no start from cloud

:red_circle: :red_circle: :red_circle:

5 x short flash

Charging – thermal throttling



Car charging but temperature is limiting the charge rate

:orange_circle: :orange_circle: :orange_circle:


Charger – lb/ls throttling



Car charging but load balance is limiting the charge rate

:blue_circle: :blue_circle: :blue_circle: (blue)

Flowing alternate

EVSE critical error

Not charging


Diode_check, CP-levels, RCD issue, over-current, …

:red_circle: :red_circle: :red_circle:

Continuous flashing

Plug in your charger, connect it to your car and it will automatically start charging.
Install the app & make connection with your charger. Bluetooth is only used in the setup of your charger (provisioning mode) Subsequent communication is allways done over the WiFi or PowerLine network to a cloud platform.
The cloud platform is communicating with the charger. This means you can use the app anywhere as long as your phone has an internet connection.
White leds are indicating that your charger is in provisioning mode (your car should not be plugged in). If the charger recognises a known WiFi or PowerLine network it will not go into provisioning mode. The charger can remember 8 WiFi networks.
The charger remembers the last charging session details even if it is offline. It will communicate this session data to the cloud platform as soon as a connection is available again. Using the optional PowerLine Communication plug solves issues with your charger trying to connect to unstable WiFi reception.
The charger becomes smart by connecting it to the MTAP or CTAP. These are our electric meter interfacing devices. The MTAP is used for digital electric meter and the CTAP is used for the classic analog meter. The dongle is communicating over Ethernet or WiFi with the charger and provides data to the charger to load balance (MTAP & CTAP) or to peak shave and/or solar charge (MTAP). The dongle is also the master to have multiple chargers perform load sharing.
The charger has a GPS on board and will communicate the location to your app. This can take some time as a clear sky view is recommended for good GPS satellite reception. Once GPS positioning is OK your location will be shown at the bottom of the screen on your app. One extra condition for this is that the GPS coordinates need to be in a radius of 40 meter of the named location you have setup in the app. In case of 2 named locations the shortest one is chosen. The charging session will only show the location when there is a GPS-positioning (sometime during the session).

As long as there is no GPS-positioning the standard rate of 0,25€/kWh will be used to calculate the total charging cost of the session. Once a GPS-positioning is fixed, the rate you have setup for that location will apply.
The adapter cable used is automatically setting the charging speed limit. For the Schuko cable this is 10 Amps. For the other cables and the wallbracket this is 16 Amps. An adapter cable which is not plugged in completely leads to 7 Amps charging power and a message in the app saying β€œAdapter not fully inserted”


In the webportal there is the possibility to ad a URL-link to the entry point of your CPO provider for your charger. If you enable the use of a CPO platform option for your charger next, all sessions will be managed and communicated to the CPO platform.

AnyΒ  platform that follows the OCPP 1.6-standard.Β  We have a certificate from LMS and are working on certification with Optimile, E-flux and Hubject.

OCPP 2.01 is in the works and will be supported as from 2024

I lost my pop code or pop code is being used by someone else: Make a support ticket (link)
I cannot make first connection to my charger: Make sure your charger is in provisioning mode -> led color = white. Repower your charger and make sure your car is not plugged in. If this does not work, remove the bluetooth connection of your charger in your phone settings and start over again.
I cannot make WiFi connection Reposition phone or charger/dongle untill WiFi reception is OK, or connect your network to an optional PowerLine plug (available in webshop). The charger has a PowerLine chipset and will automatically switch to PowerLine Communication.
I get too many messages from my charger: Go to settings/push notifications in your app and choose which messages you want to receive.
My charger is not charging at all Check if your charging is not restricted by the smart functions such as load balancing, peak shaving or solar charging. If the measured temperatures reach certain limts, your charger will also slow down or stop charging.
My charger is not charging at set charging speed: Check if your charging is not restricted by the smart functions such as load balancing, peak shaving or solar charging. Your car can also limit the charging power. If the measured temperatures reach certain limts, your charger will also slow down.
My charger is not functioning anymore Make a support ticket (link)


Create a support ticket

Enter the serial numberΒ of your product or add a picture of the backside of the product.

You can find the serial number on the back, just below the barcode (see picture).